Family Tree

family tree

Approximate Time Frame: 1 hour

Activity: WONDER

Area of Learning: Creative Expression


“some families are big. Some families are small. Family trees show us who is in our family and how we are all connected.”

Have fun making your own family tree. Who is in our family? How are we connected? Your family tree can be as simple or as elaborate as you desire. It can include just your immediate family or also include your extended family. Do what works for you!


  • Speak to your child about family trees and how they are used (diagrams to show relationships between generations)

  • Ask your child, “Who is in our family?”

  • Decide together. Are you going to gather photos or draw your family?

  • Have your child prep your space

  • Assist your child in drawing a large tree on their paper.

  • Cut out circles/apples/leaves for your child. Have them either draw or glue their photos onto the paper.

  • Help your child arrange their family tree. Start with your child at the bottom of the tree and work your way up the tree, moving through different generations.

  • Share stories and interesting facts about your family!


  • large piece of mixed media paper (thicker paper)

  • family photos if using them

  • crayons, markers, pencil crayons

  • scissors

  • glue stick

Child role

  • Speak to your grown-up about family trees

  • Who is in your family? What are their names?

  • Have an adult help you draw a large tree to fill up your paper.

  • Either cut out photos of your family or draw your family members.

  • Can you arrange them on your family tree?

  • Colour and decorate your tree

  • What do you love about your family?

Parent role

  • Speak to your child about family trees

  • Help them draw a tree

  • Gather photos or encourage your child to draw each family member

  • Help your child arrange their family

  • Have your child glue their family onto the tree. Glue sticks are great for little hands

  • Have fun sharing stories


Build a Fort


House Rules!