Tail Tag + Obstacle Course
Tail Tag and Obstacle Challenge
Time Frame: 1 hour intermittent + Free Play
Activity: P.L.A.Y.
Area of Learning;: Physical
“ What can we learn about how strong, fast, and flexible our bodies are? Let’s play a few games to help grow and stretch our bodies in different ways!”
Get ready to set up a few outdoor games to promote healthy, flexible, strong bodies. Playing tag, maneuvering their bodies around obstacles, jumping and hurdling, and kicking a ball in different directions will be today’s physical challenge!
TAG (spacial awareness/depth perception)
Tuck a small scarf of fabric into the pant waist of the one being chased. The goal is to be able to pull the scarf out while running and chasing. Teach your child how to pull and tug on the fabric without pushing, tackling or hurting others.
OBSTACLE COURSE (body awareness, leg work, directional changes)
Use any yard toys you have to create an obstacle course whereby your child will need to weave back and forth between the objects, climb over, crawl under and/or step over.
A fun extension: tell a fun story to make their course an adventure with an end goal. Suggestions: The treasure hunt, Underwater adventure, Space travel
Ex: Let’s pretend to be a family in space. First you have to pull on your big astronaut boots. Then you have to pull on a heavy suit over your arms and shoulders, etc… Watch out! When you are on your rocket ship, you have to drive it left and right between the big big meteors floating in space!....
KICKING A BALL (foot-eye coordination, aiming)
Encourage ball play with hands and feet. Encourage your child to kick gently and run with the ball. Playing together and learning to pass is also an extension to this.
Yard toys/objects
Soccer/Plastic ball(s)
Small scarf/fabric
Mind and body ready for moving and playing!
child role
Have fun!!
Parent role
Encourage and provide words of affirmation as they are developing stronger physical dexterity and skill.
Enjoy playing with them and watching them learn about their bodies.
Have fun making up an exciting story and observe their reactions. Continue the story based on their reactions and suggestions.
Encourage ways to play independently
Kick against fence
Follow a pattern