Family Flag
Family Flag
Time Frame: over 3 days
Activity: W.O.N.D.E.R.
Area of Learning;: Inquiry
Photo by Lordn/iStock / Getty Images
“Create a flag or banner that represents your family. What makes your family unit unique?”
Family project. Think about your family. How can you represent what makes your family special? Make a family flag with paper or fabric, choose what works for you!
Research and examine province/country flags for reference
Have your child plan their design, assist when needed.
Include; name(s), important symbols, favourite colours, shapes, images etc
Have your child draw their design onto surface with pencil or sharpie
Keep it simple or elaborate. Do what works for your family!!
Assist to paint or colour design. If interested, glue photographs, images etc.
Attach a stick or dowel
Hang it in your home or outside
Enjoy your family flag/banner!
Paper or fabric. Choose your size.
Markers, paint, pencil
Paint & brushes
Stick or dowel
Images, photos and more
Child role
Have a discussion about your family
Create a design
Make a flag or banner together with your family
Have fun!
Parent role
Ask questions to inspire;
Who is in our family?
What makes our family special?
What do we like to do together?
Can we think of a special way to represent our family?
Research country flags for reference
Assist in design & creation of family flag only when needed
Encourage creativity and independence. Embrace your child’s ideas!