Family Work Bee Session

Work Bee

Approximate Time Frame: 1 hour

Activity: PLAY

Area of Learning: Lifeskill


“Gather the crew and have a good old fashion work bee!”

Together as a family choose a room or area that needs a little help. Make a plan to tidy, clean or organize and work together as a family unit to accomplish the task!


  1. Discuss what a work bee is and why it is important

  2. Make a plan - go through your house and decide what needs the most attention. Is it a kid’s closet, a playroom, the mudroom, kitchen drawer, or maybe it’s something outside?

  3. Gather materials - ask your child what they think they would need for the work bee? Gloves, soap, water, buckets? (if your child is cleaning, there are some great non-toxic ingredients they can use; water/vinegar, baking soda and good old soap and water.

  4. Go over the rules - chat about the rules and who is doing what

  5. Have fun - turn on some music, sing some songs, make it fun!

  6. Celebrate with a preferred activity - chat about what will happen when the work bee is complete (play a game, drink hot chocolate, watch a show, play in the park)


  • a messy, dirty, unorganized space or area!

  • family member to help!


Child role

  • Help your adult find a place around your home that really needs cleaning or tidying or organizing.

  • Why is it important to pitch in and help each other?

  • Help your parent make a plan. What is your job? What materials do you need? How long will it take?

  • Clean, tidy, organize! You are doing a great job! Work bees are fun and so gratifying!

Parent role

  • Define “work bee” with your child

  • Make a plan to clean one area of the house that would be attainable for your family.

  • Go over the plan, rules, expectations

  • Gather materials

  • Encourage and make it fun - blast your favourite music!

  • Celebrate with a fun activity and give lots of positive reinforcement!


Cheerio Lacing


Roll the Dice Movement!