Cheerio Lacing
Cheerio Lacing
Time Frame: 1 hour + Free Play
Activity: W.O.N.D.E.R
Area of Learning;: Physical
“How quickly can you make your way around your yard? Jump, Hop, Run, Skip! It’s a race to get your Cheerios laced up!”
Time to play outside! Encourage fine motor and gross motor skills by setting up an outdoor movement course and Cheerio lacing.
Set up 5-6 different plastic bowls of cheerios around the yard.
Equip your child with a string about the length of their arm.
Instruct them to string 2-3 cheerios from each bowl and move to another when finished. Continue in this fashion until complete.
As they move between bowls, ask them to walk, skip, run, jump to the next station.
Count how many Cheerios your child was able to string together.
Help your child tie their necklace/bracelet together to wear/hang.
Free Play suggestion: digging in dirt and exploring with water
*substitutions: beads, wood blocks with holes, fruit loops, washers, bolts.*
5-6 bowls/plastic containers
Cheerios (or substitutions for stringing)
Mind and body ready for moving and playing!
Child role
Help collect bowls and cheerios
When outside, help fill bowls with Cheerios
Carry your string from station to station
Listen and follow your challenge!
Have fun moving and making your necklace/bracelet/hanging!
How many cheerios did you use? Count!
Now, what can you do with the tools and the dirt/water you see? Tell your story!
Parent role
Encourage your child to help collect and fill bowls of cheerios
Help your child select spots around the yard for each bowl
Provide direction for movement in between bowls (skip, jump, hop, etc…)
Sit back and enjoy their fine motor/gross motor practice
Encourage them and praise them for however many they manage to string up
Display their work
Invite them to play with dirt and water (set up tools in the dirt in a fun shape while they are stringing)