Family Portrait


Family Portrait

Approximate Time Frame: 1 hour

Activity: WONDER

Area of Learning: Creative Expression


Drawing is such a great fine motor skill. Remember to encourage your child to use the pincer grasp. Portrait drawing allows kiddos to express the way they see their family.

“Create a family portrait.  Include your family members and even your pets!”

Encourage your child to take a look at their family members.  Use a family photo if it helps them. Have your child look closely at each family member’s height, size, facial features and clothes they wear.  Observe how they represent their family.


 Have your child;

  1. Examine their family members.  Ask them “Who are you going to include in your portrait?

  2. Draw each family member with black permanent marker (washable marker for younger kiddos) standing or sitting beside each other.  Ask, “How do you see your family members?”

  3. Complete their drawing and ask themselves…”Have I missed anything or anyone?”

  4. Colour their drawing with markers/pencil crayons/wax crayons OR use watercolour paints to paint their drawing, making sure the paint applied is watery. 

  5. Sign their work in the bottom right hand corner.  Remind your child that artists sign their own work!

  6. Hang up your family portrait and enjoy! (frame if possible)


  • Family photo

  • 8x10 watercolour paper or choose your size

  • Pencil, sharpie

  • Pencil crayons/crayons/markers

  • Watercolour paint & brushes

  • Water container & water

  • Frame to hang art

Child role

  • Help your parent find a family portrait

  • Tell an adult who you would like to include in your portrait

  • Draw your family

  • Colour or paint with watercolours! 

  • Tell adult(s) all about your art. 

  • Sign your art and hang it up somewhere special

Parent role

  • Discuss the definition of a “family portrait” with your child

  • Provide your child with a family portrait if they wish

  • Speak about who they want to include

  • Help child set up their art space with materials

  • Allow child freedom to create!

  • Speak to your child about their art when they are finished


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